Wednesday, May 30, 2012

VHS Box of the week: Project Metalbeast

We've started a new feature on the blog to draw attention to some of the better VHS covers in our collection. This week's pick is Project Metalbeast, a film that unfortunately does not live up to its cybernetic werewolf premise (especially when practical effects were still used in low budget films). Luckily, you don't have to waste an hour and a half of your life watching bad actors pretending to be scientists debating the morality of werewolf cybernetics. Instead, feast your eyes on this hulking beast of box-art cheese.

- Ryan

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Goblin Spelled Backwards

During my four day sprint across the country, I found myself getting an oil change in the mountains of Utah. While there, I decided to look up the filming locations of troll 2. I remembered it had been somewhere in Utah, but I was totally unfamiliar with the area. By an odd bit of luck, I found that I was only about 30 miles away.

It is an odd experience to know you are near a location you have only observed through mediated experience. I found myself attempting to impose Nilbog on this quirky, but mostly uninteresting midwest town. After interviewing a few local people, and eventually resorting to showing around pictures on my phone, I found myself in the old commercial district. Here are a few photos of my experience.

'Kill me now' ... is Goblin spelled backwards!

'125 North' ... is Goblin spelled backwards!
I think you get the point

You crazy boy? We're all vegetarians here in Nilbog.